Green Goddess smoothie

smoothieAll this cold weather has us thinking about smoothies...ironically enough!  While many of us benefit from favoring warm, comforting foods in colder months, a smoothie this packed with goodness is worth the possible brain freeze.  It it best to consume colder foods like these in the midday if possible, though you can enjoy them anytime.This smoothie is packed with crucial nutrients and protein from superfood all-stars like kale, chia, flaxseed, and spirulina.  Really, everything in this smoothie is great for your body and your baby.  Not only is this great for pregnancy, but would also make for a fabulous early labor snack to give you lots of fuel and nutrients for the journey ahead.  The bonus is that this smoothie is beautiful and gives a splash of color to these otherwise white winter days!  Enjoy mamas.

In a blender or with an immersion blender, blend and enjoy:

- 1 ripe banana

- 1 cup frozen organic blueberries

- 1 cup organic spinach

- 1 cup organic kale

- 1/3 of a cup of coconut water (can substitute almond milk or plain water), add more liquid if you like your smoothies drinkable rather than spoonable

- 1 T ground flax seeds

- 1 T chia seeds

- 1 t hemp protein powder (optional)

- 1 t spirulina

- 2 medjool dates (optional-- adds sweetness)


Learning begins before birth


The birth of baby Olivia Rose