Five Essentials to Carry in Your Purse if You Ditch the Diaper Bag

Mom With Child Out & AboutMom With Child Out & About

Many moms are choosing to forgo the traditional bulky diaper bag in favor of a more fashionable, multipurpose purse. A large purse can work great in lieu of a diaper bag as long as you pack for baby as well as yourself. If you’ve decided that you’re not the diaper bag toting type, here are 5 essential items to be sure you have in your purse at all times.

  1. Diapers: Needless to say, don’t leave home without at least 3 or 4 diapers on hand in case of accidents or just a necessary change. If you use cloth diapers, you’ll want to be sure you also have a wet bag to carry any soiled diapers home without a mess. 
  2. Wipes: Wipes are not only a necessity for diaper changes but can serve a multitude of other purposes from wiping hands, and faces to cleaning the surface of a high chair at a restaurant. Make sure you always have at least one pack of wipes in your bag at all times.
  3. A change of clothes: When a new diaper and wipes don’t cut it, a change of clothes may be necessary. You don’t want to be caught out and about with a baby who’s had a blowout and no clean change of clothes. Your spare change should include a onesie and pants and socks and a sweater if seasonally appropriate.
  4. Hand sanitizer: Especially when you have a new baby, hand sanitizer is your best friend. Whether you’ve touched the grocery cart or the gas pump or have just been around a sick friend, disinfect your hands before passing those germs to baby. Your baby’s immune system is still developing and he is more susceptible to harmful viruses, colds and bacteria now than ever.
  5. A soother: Whether your baby finds comfort in a pacifier or prefers to snuggle with a lovey, be sure to have a comfort object on hand in your bag. This can be an especially important item for car rides when mom can’t be close enough to comfort.

Obviously, there are many more items that may be useful and even necessary to carry in your bag for baby. These include but are not limited to, a hat, a bottle, a sippy cup (for older babies), diaper cream, a nursing cover and a baby sling. But if you are going for the just the essentials to throw in your purse, the above list should suffice for a brief outing. To learn more about what you’ll need for your baby or for any and all questions related to natural birth, contact Health Foundations for a free consultation with a midwife and for a tour of our Birth Center.


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